Conflict Resolution

Strategic Transformation and Change Management
August 7, 2016
Leadership Paradigm
August 7, 2016

Conflict Resolution

Conflict inevitably impacts individuals and organizations – it is a way of life.   Conflict, when well managed, can be  a dynamic catalyst for positive change. When mismanaged, it produces hostility, stress and other costs to individuals and organizations. Unresolved conflict and miscommunication affects both the individual and the collective.  It is extremely costly to business.  It can result in a toxic environment where  employees no longer feel safe or trust management.  If employees are the backbone of the organization then conflict will significantly prevent the organization from achieving its goals. These costs are not just financial but include: lost or missed opportunities, damaged or destroyed relationships, low satisfaction, time, lost productivity, possible legal action, negative market reputation, increased sick leave, demotivation of teams, sabotage of other employees or projects and lots of stress.

Financial impacts of conflict on the bottom line can not only result in a significant decrease in current revenue but can lead to a decrease in future profits by not being able to achieve goals and success parameters.

We know that conflict is inevitable, at some point there will be conflict and disagreements.  If conflicts are left unchecked it can manifest into some very detrimental consequences.  The key is to manage conflict early in a constructive way that will lead to positive changes in corporate culture.   To take care of the root problem instead of just glossing over the issue with band-aid solutions. In any conflict situation there will always be a  best way forward.    When parties learn to identify and take that best way, through effective conflict management training and tools, corporate culture changes and innovation flourishes.

The ultimate goal of conflict resolution is to resolve conflicts and build cooperation.  In doing so you are able to assess the impact of the conflict on the team/organization, develop strategies for resolution that will allow for lasting solutions and neutralize negativity.   The goal is to have mutually acceptable results whereby the participants create their solution rather than having it imposed on them.  This brings a level of commitment to the outcome that helps to maintain the resolution and ways forward.

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10:00 AM – 5:00 PM